Connect All is a global initiative based on goodness and logic, to address all that can be, for all life to have the most safety and hopeful possibilities.
The Connect All approach:
Equips us individually to/try to do the best we can.
Equips us as a community to achieve our global needs.
Is a measurable standard to hold ourselves and others accountable.
The curriculum includes Five Through the Filter:
A daily self-care framework that synthesizes everything, from addressing our basic needs to our major issues (child abuse to the environment); and is adaptable for different cultures, ages, and functionality.
Connect All came from Gwen's two motivations:
I need the most safety and hopeful possibilities for myself and who I am attached to.
I both want to positively and don't want to negatively, tell all innocents, "This is what I was doing the moment you needed me."

Gwendolyn Downing, LPC
Gwen (she/hers) is a leader, advocate, developer, and trainer. She is the originator and Director of the Connect All initiative. She is self-employed, and also an occasional employee of the University of Oklahoma's National Resource Center for Youth Services. She is a member of the Global Leadership Exchange, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, and the Oklahoma Coalition of Advocates for Behavioral Health. Prior experiences include: 2022 official UNA-USA representative at the 66th Commission on the Status of Women; 2021 co-author of the Oklahoma Crisis Line handbook for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Trafficking Advocacy; former Manager of Hope and Resilience for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and a former member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Steering Committee.